Phonepaid Services Authority Paperwork

You can see from the government’s Companies House website that Premier Ventures Ltd (profile here >) and Umbrella Support Ltd (profile here >) are two completely different companies. In the eyes of the law there are different legal entities and so cannot be considered one of the same.

All emails, investigation documents and invoices received from the PSA Executive were always addressed to “Umbrella Support Limited”. When the Tribunal adjudicated it made it clear that the company it had found against was “Umbrella Support Limited”. Just some of those documents below…

The invoice from the PSA for £200,000 was addressed to “Umbrella Support Limited”…

In December 2019 the adjudication document published publicly showed it was against “Umbrella Support Limited” (see below) since then the PSA has slyly changed the below to say oh no this was always against “Premier Ventures Ltd” as you can find here > That link is the SAME web page as the screen shot below. Looks like someone is desperately trying to cover their tracks…

The adjudication PDF you’ve been reading (here >) also has “Umbrella Support Ltd” as the indicted party yet as you can see from the title of the document at the top left they try and connect Umbrella Support Ltd and Premier Ventures Ltd together as though they were the same company.